CSI: DONAS Didactic strategy to guide the study of cases in Special Education


  • María De los Ángeles Carpio Brenes Universidad de Costa Rica




University teaching, special education, study of cases, teaching strategy


This article presents the results of the didactics strategy CSI: DONAS designed in the Academic Semester I/2013 for the class OE-0185 Special Education Didactics II, of the Bachelor of Educational Sciences with emphasis in Special Education at Universidad de Costa Rica, in order to guide ion a systematic and effective way the group of students in the study of cases.

The strategy consisted on a squared matrix that ordered the steps that students of course should follow in the diagnosis evaluation process of a student with learning problems in reading and writing to identify their learning needs and determine the learning support requested, according to the school curricular profile of the student.

It also presents the way in which the teaching strategy was introduced to the students, the monitoring they had during the semester to meet the systematic process proposed, and the results of the experience collecting by two ways, an opinion questionnaire applied to the group of students, and the record of students’ performance kept by the teacher throughout the course.

In the discussion part, there is an analysis of the advantages and limitations of the strategy. Furthermore, it highlights the relevance for later school cycles, and the possibility of projection into other courses that involve the study of cases, due to the effectiveness of the analysis of results.

Conocimiento Educactivo, Vol. 1, 2014: 83-96


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Author Biography

María De los Ángeles Carpio Brenes, Universidad de Costa Rica



How to Cite

Carpio Brenes, M. D. los Ángeles. (2014). CSI: DONAS Didactic strategy to guide the study of cases in Special Education. Conocimiento Educativo, 1, 83–96. https://doi.org/10.5377/ce.v1i0.5635


