Teaching knowledge on evaluation of learning and its application in the practice of evaluation in public schools of Basic Education in the Eastern Zone
Knowledge, learning evaluation, applications, competencies, functionality, agents of evaluation.Abstract
The study carried out by the Universidad de Oriente through the covenant with MINED (Ministry of Education) had as objective to determine if the knowledge that the teacher has about learning evaluations influences in the practices that they carry out. The methodology used to dig in the information was qualitative, descriptive, and correlational.
The results confirmed that the functionality and the agents of the evaluation, as well as the evaluation for competencies influence and foster the application of it in the public schools. For it, the pedagogical process cannot be conceived without the learning evaluation. If a content is given, the more effective way to know how the knowledge has come to the students is through the evaluation in any of its possible forms (traditional tests, objective tests and others).
Conocimiento Educactivo, Vol. 2, 2015: 95-102
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