Diagnosis of bullying in targeted schools of the municipality of Santa Ana
Bullying, School coexistence, Selected school, Procedures for conflict resolutionAbstract
This article shows a diagnosis about selected schools in Santa Ana City as an input for the Unidad de Arte, Cultura, Recreación, Deportes y Ciudadanía del Ministerio de Educación, Ciencia y Tecnología
The descriptive research addressed nine of thirty selected schools, making 117 subjects including principals, teachers, and student.
Bullying is not a new situation; in most cases, its existence is assumed. Unfortunately, it lacks a theoretical-practical structure that indicates the way in which it develops in order to intervene and gradually eradicate it. For this reason, the manifestations of this scourge are described in order to determine which mechanisms are poured into the School Coexistence Manual for its treatment.
This process, due to its sensitive and socio-educational nature, made it possible to find different manifestations, on one hand, the principles' fear of considering the phenomenon as an administrative failure rather than a social problem that must be faced with appropriate ways in order to benefit the entire educational community.
On the other hand, teachers and students showed optimisms since a problem that affects everyone is becoming more and more visible.
All of the aforementioned contributed to create a research resource that will allow the approach of future actions to intervene bullying in a prompt, precise, and adequate way future actions to intervene bullying in a prompt, precise, and adequate way.
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