About the Journal

Focus and Scope

The objective of the Entorno Journal is to disseminate research results that contribute to the academic sector, the scientific community, decision makers in the different areas of knowledge in the public and private sectors.

Peer Review Process

The Editorial Committee reserves the right to review each article, and send it to arbitrators, to guarantee its quality and, if appropriate, suggest modifications. They can also reject those that do not meet the required conditions.

Publication Frequency

Entorno Journal publishes in the months of Jun and December of each year.

Open Access Policy

Entorno is an academic journal published by the Universidad Tecnológica de El Salvador, one hundred percent of free access.

It does not charge for processing of articles (APC) and no charges for sending articles.

Each article will be accompanied by a letter from the main author, specifying that the materials are unpublished and that they will not be presented to any other media before knowing the decision of the Editorial Committee. The author must attach a signed statement indicating what type of law his article presents, remembering that the university suggests using the type of free access , without forgetting to mention the main source.