Contributions of science and technology for the improvement of the environment in El Salvador


  • Carlos Felipe Osegueda Universidad Tecnológica de El Salvador
  • Miguel Ángel Hernández-Vásquez Universidad Tecnológica de El Salvador
  • Heisel Gabriela Cálix-Saravia Universidad Tecnológica de El Salvador
  • Mélida Carolina Escobar-Hernández Universidad Tecnológica de El Salvador
  • Diana Carolina Flores-Ramírez Universidad Tecnológica de El Salvador
  • Jennifer Lisseth López-Echeverría Universidad Tecnológica de El Salvador
  • Katherine Saraí Molina-Hidalgo Universidad Tecnológica de El Salvador
  • Wendy Arely Palacios-Mejía Universidad Tecnológica de El Salvador
  • Leslie Naomi Rodríguez-Hidalgo Universidad Tecnológica de El Salvador
  • Jocelyn Ivette Sánchez-Menjivar Universidad Tecnológica de El Salvador
  • Ligia Noely Trejo-Martínez Universidad Tecnológica de El Salvador



Environmental management – El Salvador, Protection to the environment, Sustainable development – El Salvador, Biotechnology, Ecology – El Salvador, Environmental technology – El Salvador


Since the anthropogenic factors have generated an alteration to the environment, hence causing global warming, science and technology—in this sense-- are key pieces in the preservation of the environment by creating new and friendly technologies with the different ecosystems of planet Earth. As part of the historical background, the Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales-MARN (Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources) was created in 1997. Based on Article 30 of the Law for the Environment, said institution—along with similar ones— must collect, update and publish all information that focuses on environmental vulnerability. With the purpose of contrasting the referential, historical, conceptual and theoretical bases, this study used the qualitative method and conducted guided interviews with experts in environmental projects in El Salvador.


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How to Cite

Osegueda, C. F., Hernández-Vásquez, M. Ángel, Cálix-Saravia, H. G., Escobar-Hernández, M. C., Flores-Ramírez, D. C., López-Echeverría, J. L., Molina-Hidalgo, K. S., Palacios-Mejía, W. A., Rodríguez-Hidalgo, L. N., Sánchez-Menjivar, J. I., & Trejo-Martínez, L. N. (2019). Contributions of science and technology for the improvement of the environment in El Salvador. Entorno, (68), 120–133.


