Modelo de la Corteza Continental en Tegucigalpa por medio del análisis de la Función Receptora
Crust, Mohorovičić, Function Receiver, TGUHAbstract
On this work its presented the study of all the recorded events for the seismological station TGUH located at Tegucigalpa, Honduras since september, 2006 to july of 2014. Those events were selected under certain criteria and specific characteristics that should be fulfilled for their use in the determination of the continental crust thickness under the station that recorded them, as the ration that exist between the propagation velocities Vp /Vs, based on the analysis of the Receiver Function method with the Stacking Method (H - κ) the results from that are the estimated Bulk parameters were a thickness of 34.8 kilometers and a ration between the propagation velocities of 1.75, these results characterize the continental crust, making an estimation of how the converted waves due the Mohorovičić discontinuity that arrive and interact between each other, to collect the pertinent information of the medium under study, applying a model that is based on give different values to weight factors for each wave that arrived considering geological and statistical factors.
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