Evaluation of systemic fungicide Derozim 50 sc (Carbendazim), for the control of asphalt spot in corn





Corn cultivation, Derozim 50 SC, Asphalt Stain


The present work was carried out in the Experimental Field of the Latin American Technical University, located in Zone 5, Zapotitán canton, department of La Libertad, El Salvador, from February to June 2023, where the systemic fungicide Derozim 50 SC was evaluated in the control of the asphalt spot disease caused by the pathogenic fungi Phillacora maydis, Monographella maydis, Coniothyrium phyllachorae, in the Corn crop.

 The effectiveness of the systemic fungicide DEROZIM 50 SC in controlling the disease was determined. For this purpose, a Randomized Block Experimental Design was used, with four repetitions and four treatments that were: in Treatments 1, 2 and 3, Derozim 50 SC was evaluated. at doses of 0.04, 0.06 and 0.08 L/Ha respectively and treatment 4 was the absolute control.

Three samplings and two applications were carried out, the initial sampling was carried out before the first application and the following two samplings before and after the second application.

For each sampling, 8 plants were evaluated per treatment, two per position. The results obtained showed that, in the first evaluation, the incidence of the disease was observed in the 4 treatments, in the second evaluation, carried out after applying the systemic fungicide Derozim 50 SC (first application), it was observed that the systemic fungicide had an effect positive in all treatments except treatment 1, which was the low dose, and treatment 4. These repetitions showed a low incidence of the disease in the four blocks, considering the evaluation on new leaves. In the last evaluation, it was observed that treatments 1 to 3 were free of the disease, since there were no lesions on the foliage, while the absolute control treatment had a total and high incidence in all repetitions.

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How to Cite

Rivera Menjívar, A. A. (2024). Evaluation of systemic fungicide Derozim 50 sc (Carbendazim), for the control of asphalt spot in corn. Perspectiva Científica, 1(1), 21–53. https://doi.org/10.5377/pc.v1i1.18737


