Fragmented reading: a strategy learning in digital era




Reading habit, digital reading, fragmented reading, types of reading


This research focuses on the reading influence on learning process of students from Educational IT department of UNAN-Managua. This investigation comes from the fact that the students barely read books, whether digital or hard copy. Likewise, it was noticeable that reading is poor in the department students. Therefore, it was decided to carry out the research with the Educational IT department. The population included staff and students around 170 individuals. To do it, it a theoretical frame was built which covers the different types of reading and the reading habits that lead analysis and discussion. The research is descriptive with a qualitative approach, although quantitative instruments are used, a detailed and in-depth analysis is made to make the phenomenon clearer. From the analysis process it was obtained that students make a superficial reading and fragmented as a learning strategy; besides, they do not invest in buying books, they mostly go downloading them from the Internet. In their spare time they prefer to spend time with their friends or sleep instead of reading, even though teachers propose strategies for reading compression and encourage reading, students do fragmented readings, not deep, focused more on the steps, however, they have developed the ability to extract main ideas and build knowledge from different sources, and also have the ability to discriminate information in short periods of time.


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How to Cite

Stynze Gómez, H. O., & Velásquez Vallecillo, E. de los Ángeles. (2021). Fragmented reading: a strategy learning in digital era. Torreon Universitario Magazine, 10(27), 26–36.


