ICT as a teaching strategy by nursing teachers POLISALUNAN Managua





Teaching strategies, ICT perception, ICT in education


The research focuses on ICT targets that teachers generally use, and are used as a teaching strategy, in addition to knowing what the students' perception is about the effectiveness of ICTs as teaching strategies, and what difficulties teachers have to use. According to these objectives the research has a type of mixed study having the qualitative approach a higher predominance, within the mixed research designs. this study is concurrent. Both approaches were analyzed simultaneously and separately. According to the results of research, it was found that more years in the nursing major they have low effectiveness ICT, and less years of the major are highly effective. In the classroom and out of it teachers have applied ICTs as a teaching strategy, as well, in the houses through the Internet, sending the tasks by e-mail, or uploading it to the virtual platform, teachers commonly guide students to perform tasks through computers and they develop traditional strategies such as synoptic tables, mental maps, abstracts, presentations for exhibitions etc. It is also used by teachers as an active communication with students through groups at WhatsApp.


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How to Cite

López Gaitán, M. J. (2021). ICT as a teaching strategy by nursing teachers POLISALUNAN Managua. Torreon Universitario Magazine, 10(27), 37–44. https://doi.org/10.5377/torreon.v10i27.10838


