COVID-19: actions to mitigate negative emotions from learning environments




COVID-19, emotional and mental effects, psychosocial effects


This article is made from the investigation in several research studies in: China, Mexico, Spain and the United Kingdom mainly. The results of these writings point to the effects caused by Covid-19 from various psychosocial spheres that lead to negative effects that manifest themselves in anxiety, depression, stress and fear from the young to the elderly. According to several experts, mental and emotional health problems have not been addressed, with the rigor they deserve, as important issues in the process of change or adaptation in learning environments.

Considering our sphere of professional action, we focus on an approach to how the pandemic has psychosocially affected university students and the possible consequences that may be generated, both from the present in their personal life and in the future in their working life, actions are carried out that They can contribute to coping with the psychosocial effects from learning environments, be they face-to-face, virtual or mixed, in the search to avoid the desertion of university students.


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How to Cite

Stynze Gómez, H. O. (2021). COVID-19: actions to mitigate negative emotions from learning environments. Torreon Universitario Magazine, 10(28), 61–69.


