Older adults: a review of the association between self-care and quality of life





Elderly, Nursing homes, Self-care, Quality of life


The demographic landscape of Latin America and the Caribbean is changing. The globalization of the social transformations that population aging drags is already a fact. This process occurs in Latin America with a greater acceleration, obeying, more than its socioeconomic development, to punctual improvements in the general conditions of life; The aging of the population, although still incipient when compared to that of developed countries, is a reality that requires meeting the needs of an increasingly numerous older adult population (CELADE, 2003). Currently, the importance of self-care in older adults has been demonstrated in aspects related to the reduction of risk factors, the promotion of self-care behavior to achieve a better quality of life and a healthy old age. Objective: To investigate the existing associations between self-care and the quality of life of the elderly. Methodology: An electronic bibliographic review was carried out, focused on articles related to self-care and quality of life in the elderly population for a period of 10 years (2010-2020). Additionally, antecedents of investigations carried out at the level of Latin American countries were compiled. Results: Classified the works carried out by the different authors, who have studied self-care and quality of life, from a descriptive, correlational or analytical level, applying different statistical tests, where they relate self-care with sociodemographic characteristics, others linking to quality of life, in elderly people, either in nursing homes, in communities and others who attend different care centers. Conclusion: Different consulted bibliographies agree that from the multidimensionality (quality of life, self-care, among others) in which the care of the elderly can be approached; expanding the field of action from its particular characteristics, to create and promote effective intervention programs, according to their needs.


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How to Cite

Solórzano Beneditt, L. J., Quiroz Flores, Z., & Gutiérrez, S. (2023). Older adults: a review of the association between self-care and quality of life. Torreon Universitario Magazine, 12(34), 99–106. https://doi.org/10.5377/rtu.v12i34.16345



Health and Social services