Environmental determinants of health that influence respiratory diseases in childhood in Bocay, Jinotega 2021
Ayapal, enviromental, determinantes, childhoodAbstract
Explain the environmental determinants of health that influence respiratory diseases in childhood at the Ayapal Family and Community Health Center of the San José de Bocay municipality, Jinotega I semester 2021.
Material and Method: a descriptive, observational, retrospective and cross-sectional study was carried out in 52 children under 5 years of age who were admitted for respiratory diseases at the Ayapal Health Center in the first semester of 2021. The admission and discharge sheet established by the Ministry of Health, an information collection instrument was also implemented, which consists of 14 items to obtain socio demographic data, risky environmental conditions, the perception of parents and guardians, and in addition to mentioning morbidities due to respiratory conditions.
Results: the average age of the children in the study was 2 years or more; the sex that prevailed most in the children was that of the man, 50% of the children in the study fell ill 1 to 3 times. Regarding the age of parents and guardians, the one that prevailed the most was from 15 to 24 years, of the parents and guardians, 48.1% have an incomplete primary education; where 78.8% have a low economic level and the number of children that parents or guardians have, 42.3% have 4 to 6 children; Regarding the environmental conditions that are risky for health, 75% of those surveyed are not exposed to smoke, 67.3% live in overcrowding, 59.6% are not exposed to cold and humidity, 65.4% of children have a scheme incomplete vaccination. According to the perception of parents and guardians regarding the danger signs in respiratory diseases, 44.2% reported that getting tired was a reason to ask for help, 76.9% said that achieving a good nutritional status prevents respiratory diseases, 73.1% thought that eating fruits and vegetables reduces the risk of respiratory diseases. Regarding morbidities due to respiratory conditions, 92.3% have used another type of treatment apart from that indicated by the health personnel, 57.7% of the children were taken to the health unit for presenting difficulty breathing, of which the 48.1% were treated and diagnosed with pneumonia. Data analysis using SPSS statistical tests determined the following as environmental determinants of health that influence respiratory diseases: origin, schooling, personal hygiene, socioeconomic status, overcrowding, and immunization. Breastfeeding was not found as an environmental determinant of health.
Conclusions: Most of the children who became ill due to respiratory disease were older than two years, being mostly male; who got sick 1 to 3 times in the last 6 months; Most of the parents or guardians were between 15 to 24 years of age, female, from the rural area, in terms of their schooling, an incomplete primary school with a low socioeconomic level, who themselves have 4 to 6 children in each family; Regarding risky environmental conditions for respiratory diseases, most recognize that living in overcrowding, but have little knowledge about other risky environmental conditions such as exposure to smoke and exposure to cold and humidity; In addition, poor personal hygiene, poor home hygiene, and incomplete immunization were observed. Of the parents or guardians interviewed did not consider when a child turns purple as a sign of danger, however, they know when to take the child to the health unit, they are not very clear regarding the prevention of respiratory diseases. Parents identified the symptoms of respiratory diseases to go with their children to the health unit, including difficulty breathing; children who were managed mostly as pneumonia; themselves to whom their treatment and management were indicated.
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