Chronic kidney disease associated with heat stress: a literatura review




Chronic renal disease, Heat stress, Hemodialysis


The purpose of this scientific literature review document is to demonstrate the incidence of Chronic Kidney Disease in field workers caused by thermal stress. The Prisma methodology was applied to documents published in databases such as Google academic, Scielo, Bireme, Lilacs in which publications were found that address the topic of thermal stress in the labor sector; The publications consulted were from 2018 to 2023. It is necessary to emphasize that chronic kidney disease has increased in work sectors with exposure to high temperatures and that it mainly occurs in the countryside and production areas. (Ruiz Herrera, 2020). Global warming is causing an increase in exposure to high temperatures in confined environments, internal environments in production areas and also in open environments, which is why it directly affects the health of workers. (ILO, 2023). As a result of the review, 15 articles on occupational safety and heat stress were included. Among the conclusions of this review, it was found that the workers studied are characterized by being exposed to high temperatures without wearing clothing appropriate to the work environment or that protects them from exposure to ultraviolet rays and therefore experience an increase in body heat, added to This means they have long working hours, do not take breaks and do not ingest adequate fluids recommended by an occupational doctor or the person in charge of occupational hygiene and safety; The incidence of kidney disease associated with heat stress was 41.9% in males with an age of presentation of 46 years, in stage II, with work-related heat stress as the main risk factor.


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How to Cite

Torrentes Midence, M. G., & Arana Blas, R. D. (2024). Chronic kidney disease associated with heat stress: a literatura review. Torreon Universitario Magazine, 13(38), 211–223.



Health and Social services