Dynamics of production, unemployment, and inflation in Nicaragua, period 2012 – 2022 and prospects 2026
Macroeconomics, Production, Unemployment, Inflation, Human DevelopmentAbstract
Achieving human development and fighting poverty is the challenge posed in Nicaragua in the period 2022-2026, contemplated in 12 strategic lines: 1) Macroeconomic stability, 2) Reinforce the basic conditions of development; 3) Development of human talents; 4) Public goods and services, for social welfare 5) Deepen equality between genders 6) Youth central axis of development; 7) Improve production in the field; 8) Develop creative economy, 9) Revitalize trade and local and international markets; 10) Inclusive cities, neighborhoods and counties; 11) Measures to mitigate climate change; 12) The Caribbean Coast special zone of human and socioeconomic development. As axes of the purpose, three indicators are analyzed: GDP Gross Domestic Product, Inflation and Unemployment Rate, using time series of the period 2012 - 2022. It is objective to recognize that, during this period, the country was affected by different crises, including world order, which overlapped; such as the one caused in 2018, the health crisis that affected the country since 2020 and the crisis due to the new world order, consecutively and that seriously affected aspects such as the supply chain, the capacities of health systems to deal with the pandemic and international inflation, to mention a few facts; These situations came and caused serious price rises and shortages. However, the country shows a resilient economic behavior; Studying its indicators will allow decisions to continue the fight for economic development.
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