Characterization of occupational accidents in workers of a manufacturing company in León, Nicaragua, year 2022-2023


  • Carlos Benito Reyes Espinoza I graduated with a master’s degree in occupational health. National Autonomous University of Nicaragua. Health Studies Research Center, UNAN-Managua/CIES.
  • Richard David Arana Blas Research Professor. National Autonomous University of Nicaragua. Health Studies Research Center, UNAN-Managua/CIES.
  • Carlos Uriel Baca Sevilla Specialist in Occupational Health. National Autonomous University of Nicaragua. Health Studies Research Center, UNAN-Managua/CIES.



Occupational accident, diagnoses, risk factors, severity of the accident, type of accident


The objective of this article is to characterize occupational accidents in workers of a manufacturing company in the city of León, Nicaragua, year 2022-2023. A descriptive, retrospective, cross-sectional study was applied. The study area was plant 4 of this company, the sample was made up of 94 workers. From the results we obtained, it is found that 27 workers are in the age range of 28 to 32 years, the most affected workers were the operators with 83 cases (88.3%), the seniority in the job was from 4 to 6 years with 38 cases (40.4%), the time of occurrence of the accidents was during the first shift (morning shift) with 62 cases (65.96%), The risk factors that most frequently occurred for the occurrence of accidents were unsafe acts with 54 cases (57.4%), most accidents were commuting with 76 cases (80.85%), according to the severity of the accident, the affectations were of a mild type with subsidy in 53 cases (56.4%) and according to the nature of the injury there were 76 cases (80.9%) diagnosed as contusions.


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How to Cite

Reyes Espinoza, C. B., Arana Blas, R. D., & Baca Sevilla, C. U. (2024). Characterization of occupational accidents in workers of a manufacturing company in León, Nicaragua, year 2022-2023. Torreon Universitario Magazine, 13(38), 224–235.



Health and Social services