Efficacy of educational intervention in healthy lifestyles in patients with arterial hypertension and diabetes mellitus, who attend the health post, Buena Vista municipality of La Conquista, Carazo, Nicaragua, in January - February 2023





Lifestyles, intervention, hypertensive patients, diabetic patients


High blood pressure and diabetes mellitus are the main causes of morbidity and mortality in the world, causing around half of all deaths from stroke and heart disease, being one of the most frequent public health problems. In Nicaragua, “The first cause (of medical care) continues to be hypertension” Approximately 222 thousand people indicated and verified the visit of our health personnel, as the first cause of attention or need to be treated by health services; The second is diabetes mellitus. To evaluate the effectiveness of the educational intervention on healthy lifestyles in patients with high blood pressure and Diabetes who attend the Buena Vista health post in the municipality of La Conquista, Carazo, Nicaragua, in the period January-February 2023. A longitudinal mixed-type study was carried out with 65 diabetic and hypertensive patients. We took into account the inclusion criteria and made a sample of 52 patients. According to the sociodemographic characteristics, it was found that the largest number of patients diagnosed with high blood pressure and diabetes mellitus are adults over 56 years of age, from rural origin, with an incomplete primary education level, with the most predominant sex being women. with 63%. The poor practice of healthy lifestyles is what leads to suffering from high blood pressure and diabetes mellitus, due to unhealthy habits contributing to complications, we must take into account the importance of chronic disease prevention programs for through (MOSAFC) with emphasis on health promotion and prevention.


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How to Cite

Traña Aburto, D. S., & Lacayo Lacayo, S. (2024). Efficacy of educational intervention in healthy lifestyles in patients with arterial hypertension and diabetes mellitus, who attend the health post, Buena Vista municipality of La Conquista, Carazo, Nicaragua, in January - February 2023. Torreon Universitario Magazine, 13(38), 236–248. https://doi.org/10.5377/rtu.v13i38.19324



Health and Social services