Critical Thinking in Sociology Subject. Didactic Experience in High school.


  • Julio César Orozco Alvarado UNAN-Managua
  • Wendy Floridalma Rodríguez Torrez UNAN-Managua



didactic strategies, critical thinking, sociology


This paper is an educational innovation carried out in the public high school Rigoberto López Pérez in Managua, aiming to develop critical thinking through a didactic intervention in sociology subject, because it has been many years the academicist way is implemented, which demotivates students, however, in the didactic intervention both theory and pedagogy practices were merged and students interacted doing cooperative work, criticizing and socializing. This research process based on the socio-critical frame and on the investigation action, because an education trouble was found and was solved through the application of innovative learning strategies. The research focus has both qualitative and quantitative elements, prevailing the qualitative focus due to the techniques and tools used along the didactic intervention as in the ethnography education. The results of the investigation proved the implemented learning strategies generated critical thinking in students and therefore, it is suggested to innovate the didactic methodology so students could be main agents in their own learning and feel motivation towards sociology subject.


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How to Cite

Orozco Alvarado, J. C., & Rodríguez Torrez, W. F. (2019). Critical Thinking in Sociology Subject. Didactic Experience in High school. Torreon Universitario Magazine, 7(18), 6–18.

