Professional practices, projection and Social extension. Approximation to the experience of the Faculty of Humanities and Legal sciences 2014-2015.


  • Jossarys Massiell Gazo Robles UNAN-Managua



research culture, professional practices, projection and social extension


The research corresponds to the research line of the Master in Methods of Scientific Research (MEDINV) called: Link between research and practice of professional training in the IES. The general objective of the research is to analyze the Professional Practices and their connection with the Projection and Social Extension of careers with a research profile: Social Anthropology, Geography, History and Social Work, of the Faculty of Humanities and Legal Sciences, UNAN-Managua through the experiences, knowledge of students and teachers. A methodology was used characterized by having a mixed approach that contains the methods and techniques of data collection and processing. A descriptive and analytical study was carried out. From the analysis and discussion of the results obtained, the following conclusions were reached: The university of the new century focuses on a new educational paradigm, whose axis is the human being, who interprets the social reality when facing important challenges in the face of continuous changes and growing paradigmatic ruptures that happen, in a dizzying way, in all areas of knowledge, science and technology; seeking to guarantee and substantially increase current resources and, in this way, enhance knowledge, this as a result of the relationship between higher education and society.


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How to Cite

Gazo Robles, J. M. (2019). Professional practices, projection and Social extension. Approximation to the experience of the Faculty of Humanities and Legal sciences 2014-2015. Torreon Universitario Magazine, 7(18), 19–34.

