Effects of water quality and soft-substrate on benthic macrofauna in the intertidal zone of Pochomil beach, San Rafael del Sur


  • María Joaquina Ibarra-Arana National Taiwan Ocean University (NTOU), Keelung City 202, Taiwan
  • Lester Rocha Universidad Nacional Agraria, Managua




benthic macrofauna, intertidal zone, Pacific Ocean, soft substrate


A spatial and temporal study of the benthic macrofauna was conducted in the intertidal zone of Pochomil Beach, Nicaragua, in three sites referred as SA (sandy site), SRR (rocky site with river) and SR (rocky site), respectively. At the end of the study, 596 individuals were counted and identified in four Phylum (Mollusca, Annelida, Arthropoda and Echinodermata). The diversity of the benthic macrofauna was calculated using the Shannon-Weaver index, which reflected very low diversity values during all sampling periods. By using the Jaccard and Morisita-Horn index, it was observed that there was low species similarity between sites. It was also obtained that the temporality had no significant direct effect on the abundance and distribution of the benthic macrofauna, but that it was mainly influenced by the physical characteristics of the sampling sites


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How to Cite

Ibarra-Arana, M. J., & Rocha, L. (2019). Effects of water quality and soft-substrate on benthic macrofauna in the intertidal zone of Pochomil beach, San Rafael del Sur. Torreon Universitario Magazine, 7(20), 43–61. https://doi.org/10.5377/torreon.v7i20.8567

