Identification and quantification of pesticide residues in vegetables of high consumption commercialized in markets and supermarkets in Managua




codex alimentarius, maximum residues limits, pesticides, plant matrix


The use of pesticides for pest control is a common practice in agricultural production systems of Nicaragua. In this study 21 pesticides (7 organophosphorus insecticides, 1 organochlorine insecticide, 3 pyrethroid insecticides, 7 herbicides and 3 fungicides) were studied and determined in samples of tomatoes, peppers, lettuce and cabbage collected in 2 popular markets and 2 supermarkets of Managua. The analysis reflects that 55,0% of the samples contain pesticides, managing to identify residues of chlorpyrifos, mocap, cypermethrin, chlorothalonil, imazalil, diazinon, deltamethrin, simazine and 2,4-D, in concentrations between 0,005 mg/kg up to 5,3 mg/kg.  20,0% of the samples contain residual variables that exceed the values established in the Codex Alimentarius in the matrices lettuce (diazinon), cabbage (chlorpyrifos and diazinon), tomato (mocap and deltamethrin).


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How to Cite

Díaz Domínguez, J. M. (2020). Identification and quantification of pesticide residues in vegetables of high consumption commercialized in markets and supermarkets in Managua. Torreon Universitario Magazine, 8(23), 48–57.

