Environmental Audit of Solid Waste Management in Granada City, Nicaragua


  • Izamara Carolina Vega Aguirre National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, Managua. Faculty of Science and Engineering




environmental audit, waste management, action plan, dangerous waste, urban waste


The study focuses on conducting an environmental audit that will contribute to the improvement of environmental practices in the solid waste collection service offered by the mayor of Granada city, diagnosing the entire process of collection, treatment and final disposal of the non-hazardous solid waste generated, which will allow to implement an action plan and strengthen the management of solid waste, through a follow-up guide to actions to comply with environmental improvement and an objective evaluation of the elements of the collection, treatment and final disposition of them to minimize the risks of environmental contamination   due to the realization of activities that by their nature constitute a potential risk to the environment.


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How to Cite

Vega Aguirre, I. C. (2020). Environmental Audit of Solid Waste Management in Granada City, Nicaragua. Torreon Universitario Magazine, 9(24), 84–101. https://doi.org/10.5377/torreon.v9i24.9726

