Systematization and impact evaluation of the children talents program in ICT 2015-2017




Children’s Talent Program in ICT, Evaluation, Systematization, Contributions, El Salvador


 The research was carried out in order to carry out a systematization of the implementation of the Children Talent in ICT program of the Evangelical University of El Salvador (UEES) of the Faculty of Engineering, to evaluate its impact by providing evidence of the main results obtained in the period 2015 -2017. The research approach is mixed with a concurrent triangulation design, using data collection techniques such as the survey, focus group, interviews and documentary review, the study subjects being the former participants of the program, their managers and entities involved in the development. . The program begins in 2009 with a single phase and continues to evolve until the 4 phases have been completed and include the dental and nutritional workshops; technological knowledge, skills to acquire new learning in ICT, motivation, attitude changes, knowledge in oral and nutritional health; are some of the main contributions, benefited schools that did not teach computer classes from the first cycle. During the 2015-2017 period, a total of 406 students were trained, of which 298 were from public educational institutions (73.4%). In conclusion, the program expanded the analysis capacity in the children, which they demonstrate not only in computer science but in all subjects, in addition, it forged self-learning skills, knowledge of new software; The children acquired vision for the future, thinking from an early age about studies at the university level, improved their grades, better behavior and socialization.


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Author Biography

Ana Iris Peña Ortiz, Universidad Evangélica de El Salvador

Investigadora asesora estadística Universidad Evangélica de El Salvador



How to Cite

Peña Ortiz, A. I. (2020). Systematization and impact evaluation of the children talents program in ICT 2015-2017. Ciencia, Cultura Y Sociedad, 6(1), 37–49.



Investigation Article