Perception of quality of telephone and internet service mobile in the metropolitan area of San Salvador




Quality of Service (QoS), 4G and 5G technologies, wireless services, mobile telephony, Internet, El Salvador


According to the recommendations of the International Communications Union (ITU), the perception that end users have of the telephony and data transmission service is one of the key components to establish the quality of these services.
The objective of this study is to determine the limitations of the quality of the mobile phone and internet service, through the perception of the consumer in the framework of the digital agenda in El Salvador. In this sense, it was sought to investigate, through a perception survey administered to a sample of urban sectors of the Metropolitan area of ​​San Salvador (during the month of October 2019), with a population universe of 228,607 inhabitants, equivalent to a 13% of the population of that area. The sample, obtained by simple random calculation, was 384 people, considering the universe of inhabitants of the municipality, with a confidence level of 95% and a maximum error of 5%. The characteristics were residential and commercial dwellings, men and women of different ages, with a gender distribution of 54% men and 46% women users of the mobile phone/internet service. The methodology was mixed, with a quantitative approach in the part referring to the administration of the survey; and qualitative, in relation to the evolutionary historical description of telecommunications in El Salvador and the current state of the legislation of the mobile telephone and internet service. It is concluded that the administration of perception surveys is a legitimate mechanism to obtain inputs aimed at improving these services. Likewise, there is evidence of a perception of dissatisfaction in consumers surveyed regarding access to information on services and quality, for this reason it is necessary to strengthen quality control closer to the needs of the final consumer client of telecommunications services.


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Author Biography

Ernesto Antonio Urrutia Guzmán, Centro para la Defensa del Consumidor




How to Cite

Urrutia Guzmán, E. A. . (2022). Perception of quality of telephone and internet service mobile in the metropolitan area of San Salvador. Ciencia, Cultura Y Sociedad, 7(2), 48–70.



Investigation Article