sociodrama applied to the experiential learning of values of the uees taught to teachers of all faculties




experiential learning, values, sociodrama, flipped classroom, El Salvador


The Evangelical University, in its search to establish itself as a reference in the Salvadoran society of higher education based on Christian values, has initiated a series of actions to promote the axiological proposal of its educational model.
(UEES Educational Model, 2015). These actions have been addressed to administrative and teaching staff. In this context, the "Course of values ​​for teachers Hora Clase" is designed, housed in the virtual Campus of the UEES, for the theme experiential learning, the flipped classroom and in particular the sociodrama were chosen. Among the purposes of this values ​​course we have the promotion and development of values ​​in the UEES University Community, in order to help individuals to collaborate in the creation of a pleasant and productive work environment. Strengthen ethical reasoning and moral decisions, in the daily activities of the members of the university community, better manage their work or professional lives. And in general to be happier and more satisfied people and professionals living the five UEES institutional values: Integrity, commitment, excellence, solidarity and service. This document contains the description of the pedagogical experience in the area of ​​educational trends, application of experiential learning in virtual mode and, in particular, Sociodrama for learning and internalization of the values ​​of the UEES.


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Author Biographies

Katiuska E. Alvayero, Universidad Evangélica de el Salvador

PhD Specialist in Internal Medicine, Strategic Management
of health organizations,
Master's Degree in Administration and University Education,
Continuing education teacher.

César Meléndez, Universidad Evangélica de el Salvador

Director of University Chaplaincy, Bachelor of Relations
Publishers with a specialty in Marketing.
Christian pastor



How to Cite

Alvayero, K. E. ., & Meléndez, C. . (2023). sociodrama applied to the experiential learning of values of the uees taught to teachers of all faculties. Ciencia, Cultura Y Sociedad, 8(1), 55–67.



Investigation Article