About the Journal

Focus and Scope

The journal of research, innovation and technology in health Crea Science of the Universidad Evangélica de El Salvador (UEES) is a biannual published journal that publishes scientific articles derived from academic or professional research in the national and international fields for the training and updating of your readers

Publication formats
Scientific research article (original results), reflection article (analyzes results of other research), review article (must include at least 30 bibliographical references), case report (focuses on the methodological experience: no literature review, with literature review, a series of cases or systematization of several cases), scientific essay with consulted sources or bibliographical references.

The journal Crea Science is a space for dissemination of specialized research in health sciences carried out by professionals, both internal and external to the university. It has a national and international arbitration system and follows the Vancouver citation standards, especially for medical sciences. When referring to articles, they should be cited according to the corresponding regulations.

The journal is aimed at the national and international scientific academic community: professionals, teachers, researchers, students and people from society who are interested in university scientific production. To send the articles, whose content is the exclusive responsibility of their authors, consult the publication rules included at the end of each issue of the journal at https://bit.ly/2HRrW3T and write to editorial@uees.edu.sv or norma.hernandez@uees.edu.sv

After sending the author or authors acknowledgment of their collaboration, the text is passed on to the Editorial Committee for the content arbitration process and then to the grammar and style reviewer. Once this phase is completed, the text is returned to the author to make corrections or modifications, if applicable, and once successfully passed is considered accepted for publication, whereupon the author signs a document of assignment of publication rights in favor of the magazine Crea Ciencia. Throughout this process, the author will not be able to present the same article to another journal.


Target audiences
The journal is aimed at the national and international scientific academic community interested in university scientific production.

Peer Review Process

The articles received in digital format are initially reviewed by the members of the Editorial Committee to verify that they comply with the basic formal elements. Once this process has been completed, the author or authors are notified of the receipt or returned with the corresponding instructions.

Once this requirement has been met, the document is sent to readers specialized in the topic of the article, an anonymous and confidential process that yields an evaluation subject to the consideration of the Editorial Committee. When an article is accepted conditioned to changes, the author (s) must forward the version with the included observations and, if it disagrees with any of them, attach the respective argument. Once a consensus has been reached on the content and methodology exposed, the document is sent to a style editor and returned for the author to review the final version and approve it in the established period.

All articles that present research with interventions on human beings must have the approval of the Research Ethics Committee of the UEES, installed in the Vice-Rector for Research and Social Projection (VRIPS), or of another committee of this nature legally constituted. A copy of the approval letter must be attached and cited in the methodology section of the article.

Publication Frequency

CREA CIENCIA is a biannual publication of Universidad Evangélica de El Salvador.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content, based on the principle that offering the public free access to research helps in a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Editorial Board

Ruben Antonio Montúfar
Médico internista, Reumatólogo, Investigador;
Jefe de Reumatología del Instituto Salvadoreño del Seguro Social
El Salvador

Cristina Amaya
Doctora en medicina y Ciencias Sociales,
Vicerrectora Académica de la Universidad Evangélica de El Salvador,
El Salvador

Fabio Bautista Pérez
Ingeniero Agrónomo e investigador,
Docente de Universidad Tecnología,
El Salvador 

Ruth Salinas
Doctora en Medicina,
docente titular de Fisiología de la Universidad Evangélica de El Salvador.
El Salvador

Gustavo Paniagua
docente titular de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales de Universidad Evangélica de El Salvador.
El Salvador

Osvaldo Hernández  
Profesor en Lenguaje,
revisor editorial de Universidad Evangélica de El Salvador,
El Salvador

Luis Mejía
Profesor auxiliar del Departamento de Ciencia de los Alimentos y Nutrición Humana
Universidad de Illinois de Estados Unidos. Nacional Salvadoreña

Victor Patricio Díaz Narvaees
Docente de Bioestadística,
metodología de la investigación científica en la
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud Universidad Atacama
País Chile

Norma Hernández
Directora de las revista
norma.hernandez@uees.edu.sv / editorial@uees.ed

Permanent International Committee

Dr. Luis Mejía
Associate Professor
Department of Human Sciences and Nutrition
University of Illinois

Alfredo de Jesus Celis de la Rosa
Director of the University Center of Health Sciences
University of Guadalajara, Mexico