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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • El envío no ha sido publicado previamente ni se ha sometido a consideración por ninguna otra revista (o se ha proporcionado una explicación al respecto en los Comentarios al editor/a).
  • El archivo de envío está en formato OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF o WordPerfect.
  • Siempre que sea posible, se proporcionan direcciones URL para las referencias.
  • El texto tiene interlineado sencillo; 12 puntos de tamaño de fuente; se utiliza cursiva en lugar de subrayado (excepto en las direcciones URL); y todas las ilustraciones, figuras y tablas se encuentran colocadas en los lugares del texto apropiados, en vez de al final.
  • El texto se adhiere a los requisitos estilísticos y biliográficos resumidos en las Directrices del autor/a, que aparecen en Acerca de la revista.
  • Si se envía a una sección evaluada por pares de la revista, deben seguirse las instrucciones en Asegurar una evaluación anónima.

Author Guidelines

The journal is aimed at the national and international scientific academic community: professionals, teachers, researchers, students and people from society who are interested in university scientific production. To send the articles, whose content is the exclusive responsibility of their authors, consult the publication rules included at the end of each issue of the journal at and write to or

Publication rules
The journal of research, innovation and technology in health Crea Science of the Evangelical University of El Salvador (UEES) is a biannual published journal that publishes scientific articles derived from academic or professional research in the national and international fields for the training and updating of your readers

Publication formats
Scientific research article (original results), reflection article (analyzes results of other research), review article (must include at least 30 bibliographical references), case report (focuses on the methodological experience: no literature review, with literature review, a series of cases or systematization of several cases), scientific essay with consulted sources or bibliographical references.

Process of choosing articles
The articles received in digital format are initially reviewed by the members of the Editorial Committee to verify that they comply with the basic formal elements. Once this process has been completed, the author or authors are notified of the receipt or returned with the corresponding instructions.

Once this requirement has been met, the document is sent to readers specialized in the topic of the article, an anonymous and confidential process that yields an evaluation subject to the consideration of the Editorial Committee. When an article is accepted conditioned to changes, the author (s) must forward the version with the included observations and, if it disagrees with any of them, attach the respective argument. Once a consensus has been reached on the content and methodology exposed, the document is sent to a style editor and returned for the author to review the final version and approve it in the established period.

All articles that present research with interventions on human beings must have the approval of the Research Ethics Committee of the UEES, installed in the Vice-Rector for Research and Social Projection (VRIPS), or of another committee of this nature legally constituted. A copy of the approval letter must be attached and cited in the methodology section of the article.

Declaration of originality and assignment of rights
The article must be sent with a declaration of originality, responsibility and assignment of rights of copy of the manuscript, scanned and signed by the author or by one of the authors when the authorship is collective (designated author), stating that the text has not previously published in printed or electronic format, which will not be presented to any other media before knowing the decision of the journal Crea Ciencia and that, if accepted for publication, the authors transfer the copyrights in all forms and media known. At the end of six months of the publication, the text can be shared in another magazine citing the first version of the article published in Crea Ciencia and recording its number and volume. If the article is not published, the UEES agrees to return the rights enunciated to their authors.

Presentation of articles
The articles must be written in impersonal style in a maximum of 20 Word pages, letter size, spaced to one and a half spaces (1.5 lines), in Times New Roman typographical font of 12 points for the text body, 14 points for titles and 12 points for subtitles, with 3.5 cm of lateral margins and 2.5 cm of upper and lower margins. All pages must be numbered in the upper right corner.

Structure of the texts

• Title page. The title of the article must appear with a maximum of 15 words without abbreviations (acronyms, acronyms, abbreviations). Immediately below the title must include the names and surnames of each author, duly identified with correlative number in call (superscript), which will refer to individual information at the bottom of the page: name of the institution of origin, highest academic title, position and email.

Note: for the recognition of authorship it is essential to have contributed substantial contributions such as: conception and design; acquisition of data and information; analysis and interpretation of data; planning of the article or revision of the content, approval of the final version to be published.

• Summary (Abstract). The summary must be less than 250 words to state the objective, methodology, results and conclusions of the investigation. It must be translated into English to expand the editorial scope. Avoid the use of bibliographical references.

• Keywords (Keywords). Following the summary, 4 or 6 key words alphabetically ordered with their respective translation into English and Portuguese will be displayed, which will include the name of the country where the research was conducted and the most important concepts or innovative methodology that is not repeated in the headline. It is recommended to normalize the keywords by consulting the virtual library on health of the ops available at

• Text body. Indicate the exact place where the Tables and Figures should be located with the corresponding legend, citing the source. Under no circumstances should the legend "Own elaboration" be used. The figures must be in black and white, sent in separate files duly labeled, in .jpg or .tiff format and with a minimum resolution of 300 ppi (pixels per inch: pixels per inch), which must protect the confidentiality and anonymity of the patients

It is recommended to avoid the use of idiom or regionalisms. The formulas and mathematical expressions must be stated according to the International System of Units (SI) and in italics as well as foreign words. The numbers will be written in letters from one to ten and in figures from eleven onwards. In case of using abbreviations, acronyms or acronyms, the first time they are mentioned in the text must be preceded by the complete words that originate them.

In the case of mentioning patents or registered trademarks, use: ™ or ®, respectively.

In each paragraph based on another text, authorship should be cited in parentheses, according to the APA Standards.

Each paragraph based on another text must be cited according to the requirements that biomedical publications require through vancouver standards, which are used in Crea Science magazine.

SECTIONS The components of the subtitle will not be preceded by literals or numerals and will be written without an endpoint.

Introduction. Presents objective, summary of the literature consulted, justification, scope and limitations of the research and / or article.

Methodology. Describe the type of study, object or subject of study; size and characteristics of the sample, place of study, techniques and elements used. It includes the type of statistical analysis and must mention the binding ethical considerations.

Discussion. Conceptual definition, especially of the keywords, providing a reflection on the theories that support and contradict the hypothesis.

Results presentation. They are presented in logical sequence of the text and should not repeat the information shown in the tables or graphs. Requires explanation of its meaning especially if it is encrypted.

Conclusions The results will be analyzed and compared with other similar studies in light of the literature consulted.

Depending on its complexity, the text can be structured obeying a certain hierarchy according to the parts of which it is composed. In view of the condition of not writing numerals or literals as hierarchy identifiers at the beginning of each section, for the articles of Crea Science magazine, different typographical variations should be taken into account to make clear the hierarchical relationship of the sections of the text:

BOLD CAPITALS. First level: title of the article.

CAPITAL LETTERS. Second level: titles of sections

Bold Third level: subtitles of sections.

Small caps. Fourth level: subsection subdivisions of sections

Italics Parts of the subtitle subdivisions of sections

Round Other lower subdivisions and text of each paragraph

Declaration of conflict of interests and acknowledgments
A paragraph will be included with the disclaimers to declare the conflicts of interest and pertinent clarifications about funding sources. In the same way, contributions that do not justify authorship but that do recognize peer collaboration or institutional support will be appreciated.

Bibliographic references
Crea Science magazine uses the Vancouver Standards for bibliographic citation and for the construction of the Bibliographic References section, which is organized alphabetically and grouped according to each type of publication (printed, digital, periodicals, audios, videos, etc.).

Recommendations for drawing tables and figures

Tables and tables

They are made following the models that are explained below. The content of the data must be explained before the table or table, which does not mean transcribing said data. Tables and tables should be referenced in the text; In addition, the number and title are written at the top of the table. Fundamentally, the difference between tables and tables is that tables are used to present predominantly textual information, while tables offer numerical information, figures, percentages, values.

The percentage of students who always feel overwhelmed by class schedules, the tasks they have to perform and the physical fatigue was low, since in general the majority thought that they never or rarely felt overloaded and for the free time between Most classes mentioned that it was rarely or sometimes (Table 1)


The term figure includes: photographs, graphics (not 3D), diagrams, drawings, maps, infographics, models. The explanation of the figure is made before, not after it has been placed. The figures must be in black and white. In addition, the number and the title are written in the lower part of the figure.


Prevalence of alcohol consumption

For once in a lifetime, consumption was 45.6% very similar. Tobacco consumption, for the last 12 months was 16.0% and for the last 30 days it was 14.2% (Figure 1).

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal will be used exclusively for the purposes established in it and will not be provided to third parties or for their use for other purposes.