Covid-19 pandemic trends based on confirmed cases in Chile from March 3 to June 20, 2020


  • Víctor Patricio Díaz Narváez Universidad Andrés Bello Santiago. Chile



Sanitary Authority, COVID-19, Pandemic


Given the situation that exists with the data provided by the previous Health Authority in relation to the unfortunate deaths attributed to COVID-19 and the abrupt delivery of hundreds of confirmed cases that remained unreported, constitutes a statistical impossibility- mathematics the realization of serious, responsible, made trend estimates with the least possible bias and, therefore, respectful of the reader. This will not be possible until the delivery of official data can demonstrate a certain distribution according to the laws epidemiological behavior of a pandemic (based on the characteristics of the virus in question and the conditions where it operates), conceptual clarity in the classification of compatriots affected by this pathology and the necessary reliability of the data provided by the Health Authorities. For this reason I have made the decision not to continue doing estimates that could lead to more confusion than that introduced by the previous sanitary Authority. The clarification of the behavior of this pandemic, a task that I assumed unilaterally, it was driven by the characteristics assumed by this pandemic and by the unusual attitude towards it by the Health Authority in our country. It was not to confuse even more to potential readers.


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Author Biography

Víctor Patricio Díaz Narváez, Universidad Andrés Bello Santiago. Chile

Research Professor, Faculty of Dentistry



How to Cite

Díaz Narváez, V. P. (2020). Covid-19 pandemic trends based on confirmed cases in Chile from March 3 to June 20, 2020. Revista Científica Crea Ciencia, 12(2), 55–63.


