Benefits from antioxidants in non alcoholic fatty liver


  • Gloria Zablah Kalil de Salem Universidad Evangélica de El Salvador
  • José Alfonso Acevedo Santos Universidad Evangélica de El Salvador



Fatty Acids (FA), Antioxidants (AO), Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD), Non Alcoholic Hepatic Steatosis (NAHS), Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver (NAFL), Hypertransaminasemia (AST, ALT), NALD, NASH, NAFLD.


Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver (NAFL) is a disease of a great importance for medical community for being considered the hepatic factor in metabolic syndrom, associated to dyslipidemia, obesity and diabetes mellitus. Teorically, oxidative stress has been considered as the determinant factor in its ehiopatogeny, originated from a lower antioxidant activity and the rise of prooxidant factors starting from hyperinsulinemia.

In this research the diagnosis of fatty liver was made through: clinical and laboratory tests, ultrasound, NAFLD Score; besides the non traditional method Quantic Bioelectric System (QRS) which has an 85% sensibility that was verifed through findings in laboratory and ultrasonographic tests. Research starts with a group of 28 patients who were diagnosed as NAFL through quantic system (QRS), and from this group there were 5 people selected and there were only 3 who met inclusion and exclusion criteria.

Subjects in research received supplements with 4 daily capsules for 6 months, and each one of them contained 13 antioxidants. As a result, a normal rate of clinical, biochemical and ultrasonographics parameters and bioelectrical quantic system from the subjects without diet or daily activities modifcations.

CREA CIENCIA Vol. 10 No 2 ISSN1818-202X julio-diciembre 2016, p. 37-49


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Author Biographies

Gloria Zablah Kalil de Salem, Universidad Evangélica de El Salvador

Departamento de Patología

José Alfonso Acevedo Santos, Universidad Evangélica de El Salvador

Departamento de Patología



How to Cite

Zablah Kalil de Salem, G., & Acevedo Santos, J. A. (2016). Benefits from antioxidants in non alcoholic fatty liver. Revista Científica Crea Ciencia, 10(2), 37–49.



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