Clinical evolution of epoc zero stage in smoking patients with non-pharmacological medical interventions


  • Ruth Salinas Universidad Evangélica de El Salvador
  • Liliam Herrera Universidad Evangélica de El Salvador



Zero stage of COPD, non-pharmacological treatment, breathing exercises, pulmonary rehabilitation


Smoking cigarettes in a chronic way can cause respiratory symptoms, in addition to obstructive patterns. However, the application of non-pharmacological measures or pulmonary rehabilitation,through breathing exercises and physical activity, can be applied in a curative and preventive way.
To evaluate the clinical evolution of the zero stage of COPD in tobacco patients with non-pharmacological interventions. An uncontrolled clinical trial was carried out, with a sample of 18 participants, from a population of 43.
Respiratory symptoms were evaluated; all this before and after applying non-pharmacological measures, which lasted 4 months. 
Respiratory symptoms such as cough, expectoration, dyspnea and wheezing were identified, also evaluating the amount of symptoms.
The Mc Nemar Test was performed to check the hypotesis and verify if the zero stage of COPD decreases after performing non-pharmacological interventions, this test was not significant, which indicated that the proportion of patients with zero stage of COPD smoking did not decrease significantly after applying the interventions; however, the number of symptoms decreases significantly, which was confirmed by the sign test, in which the p-value was lower than 0.05 (0.028).
CONCLUSION: With the application of non- pharmacological measures, tobacco patients improve many symptoms; however, the number of patients with stage zero COPD does not decrease, so it is recommended that the interventions be extended to verify if the changes in the zero stage are significant.


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How to Cite

Salinas, R., & Herrera, L. (2019). Clinical evolution of epoc zero stage in smoking patients with non-pharmacological medical interventions. Revista Científica Crea Ciencia, 12(1), 3–18.



Research Articles