Human development, culture of diversity and culture of Peace
Human development, cultural diversity, peaceAbstract
This paper addresses the integral dimension of human development, understood as the harmonious development which seeks to improve the quality of life and opportunities of disadvantaged social groups. Cultural diversity is valued as a means of facilitating the insertion of other people from their own differences. Human development means fighting for economic and social justice, environmental sustainability, democracy, human rights, cultural diversity, cultural rights, and development that respects the culture. With this perspective, the culture of peace is likely to promote and develop the capabilities of each person.
This study focuses on education as a dimension of human development, which means capability of education implicit in the Amartya Sen´s approach, where education is understood as a fundamental right, recognized in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (ONU, 1948). In this context, education is an objective in itself; it is a human development, since constitutive and constructively, it is part of the processes that point to improve the human capacities.
Cultura de Paz Vol.20 Num.64 2015: 4-9