About the Journal

Focus and Scope

The Journal of Law, of the Departament of Legal Sciences of the faculty of Humanities of the Central American University, publishes semiannually articles product of scientific research in any discipline of the Legal Sciences; it constitutes an original, systematic contribution, generator and creator of knowledge; contributes to the formation of an autonomous, creative, innovative thinking aimed at mediating elements such as the ability to analyze content, construct theoretical explanations, make judgments, propose development models, develop diagnoses and apply solutions to environmental problems in order to ensure the generation and transmission of knowledge congruent with sustainable human development.

 With the publication of the different original articles, and unpublished, the Journal of Law, contributes permanently, in the construction and development of research in the country and in the region, collaborating in the training of students and legal professionals, public to which the Magazine is directed.

Peer Review Process

Once the scientific article has been received, the Editorial Committee will acknowledge its receipt electronically and the article will be sent to internal or external peer reviewers, who have been selected according to their professional career in the subject of the postulated article. The peer evaluation process is anonymous.

Once the peer evaluation process is finished, with the evaluation opinion, the Editorial Committee will decide on the publication of the article and will notify the author if the article has been accepted to be published, if it can be published prior to making changes, or if this is not publishable.

Revista de Derecho accepts contributions from academic researchers, national and foreign, provided that it meets the editorial criteria contained herein. These articles may be sent by email to the following address: investigacioncj@uca.edu.ni.



    Universidad Centroamericana, Departamento de Ciencias Juridícas de la Facultad de Humanidades