Concept of non economic loss
non-economic loss, liability, reparation, victimAbstract
The study of the concept of the non-economic loss is not an useless discussion, it has important practical effects, beyond the methodological issue which suggest start by clearly defining any issue that is intended to be addressed since it affects fundamental aspects such as the determination of the aggrieved persons, the categorization of affected goods and above all the basis for compensation for this type of damage through the satisfactory compensatory function performed by the money granted to the victim. In addition, the study of the different concepts of non-economic loss allows us to understand their doctrinal evolution, the vicissitudes and difficulties that the victims have faced, to compensate for the detriment that they suffer in the most important goods of the human being such as life, health, physical integrity, honor, image, privacy, and the feelings of people (sadness, pain, anguish, etc.) that deserve to be protected by the legal system.
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