Labor leads firms or ideological trend in Nicaragua
deological enterprises, limitation, transgressionAbstract
To the company is entrusted at a certain extent the satisfaction of needs from community and it depends somewhat upon of the level employment and welfare. Worker with his labor shares the responsibility to generate wealth for the country and also try to get a decent life. Both right of creating companies and practice the profession or occupation you want and job stability are constitutional rights, which at some point could be faced. The present research paper allows to show how ideological enterprises or trending, labeled to make themselves be known to the rest with a particular ideology or a determined trend, may fall into transgression or limitation the exercise of the fundamental rights of workers, when in the opinion of the institution should limit and condition behavior of its employees for or organizational operation and business externalization. It is demonstrated that the power of the employers address is not absolute, has its limits and one of them is respect for fundamental workers’ rights. With this present research was conclude that in order to resolve conflicts between fundamental rights, is necessary to perform a weighting of rights deciding which of them has preference above other in certain circumstances where the decision must be taken.
Revista de Derecho No.16 2013 pp.147-192
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