The corporate disloyal administration in the Spanish penal law
Unfair administration or management, missapropriation or embezzlementAbstract
This paper analyzes, in the regulation of the Spanish Criminal or Penal Code (Código Penal, CP) 1995 of corporate crime, all the elements, objective and subjective, of the corporate offense of unfair administration or management of art. 295, critically reviewing the various doctrinal positions with regard to the legally protected interest, which we maintain in this paper is double, the active subject and the committing modalities, offering interpretations of its elements from new approaches, which affect the delimitation of the cases included in the legal description of the offence and the concurrence relations with the misappropriation or embezzlement. We defend the not majority position that in some exceptional cases the omitting commission is comparable to the active one in both the disposal of goods and the assumption of harmful obligations. We examine, which is not very discussed in the Spanish doctrine, the possible occurrence of justifications or exclusion of legal typicity, such as consent, allowed risk in risk business or insignificance or irrelevance. As for the relationship to the crime of misappropriation or embezzlement we base and maintain, in contrast to the prevailing doctrine and jurisprudence, there is no law or norm concurrence, but concurrence of offences, usually an ideal concurrence.
Revista de Derecho No.16 2013 pp.193-230
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