Analysis of legal asymmetries between the norms related to the rights of consumers, those that regulate the energy sector and the powers of the regulator in Nicaragua
Derecho de consumidores / energía eléctrica, ente regulador, normativas, asimetríaAbstract
Currently, the Consumer Nicaragua has Law No. 842, Law on Protection of Consumers and Users, published in La Gaceta, No. 129, of July 11, 2013 and its regulations, created with the objective to grant safety and effectiveness in the protection of consumer rights. This law recognizes the Nicaraguan Energy Institute (INE),exclusive to regulate the sector and consumer relations arising between agents, through various special laws faculties. Against this background it is appropriate to examine the coherence and harmony between the two regulatory bodies. In this research an introduction is made generalities of, concerning creation and management of the same electrical sector. barriers to access to electricity, administrative procedures, data protection and consumer privacy, matters before the possible failure can lead to violation of consumer rights: In addition, topics such as analyzes. The ultimate goal of this work is to make a contribution for the benefit of the consumer society public electricity service, through the formulation of clear solutions to ensure the harmony of these two legal bodies.Downloads
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