The Soft Law and the Res Interpretata as Part of Normative Creation Processes in the Inter-American Human Rights System


  • Joel Isaac Rangel Agüeros Juzgado de Distrito Mexicano



Soft law, normative creation processes, emergence of international rights and obligations, Inter- American Court of Human Rights, advisory jurisdiction, contentious competence, res intepretata, minimum standard of protection, binding effects, erga omnes effects


The evolution of the ideas or social values and the development of the diff erent matters of human knowledge have had, as one of its consequences, the proliferation of the instruments known as soft law, which, despite their lack of binding eff ects, they seem to have found a path (imperfect and still unfi nished) that allows their content to have the possibility of crystallizing as a standard of protection of rights through new forms of normative production.


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Author Biography

Joel Isaac Rangel Agüeros, Juzgado de Distrito Mexicano

Secretario de Estudio y Cuenta de la Suprema Corte de Justicia de la Nación (México), Maestro en Derecho Fiscal por la Universidad Panamericana (México) en Derecho Fiscal por la Universidad Panamericana (México) Secretario de Tribunal Colegiado. Secretario y Actuario de Juzgado de Distrito. Subadministrador de lo Contencioso “F” de Grandes Contribuyentes, en el Servicio de Administración Tributaria (México).

Abg. Luis Alonso Discua Cerrato, Director del Instituto de Investigación Jurídica (2014)



How to Cite

Rangel Agüeros, J. I. (2019). The Soft Law and the Res Interpretata as Part of Normative Creation Processes in the Inter-American Human Rights System. La Revista De Derecho, 40(1), 141–154.



Section 1: Research