Health risks from the use of herbicides




Pesticides, poisonings, green revolution, health risks


Herbicides are a group of organosynthetic chemical compounds used in agriculture to control so-called weeds, within the agricultural model of the so-called green revolution. These types of substances have been used in Mexico since the middle of the 20th century, even when the negative effect they have on the environment, biological diversity and human health is documented. The aim of this review was to identify possible effects on human health due to herbicide exposure. A literature search was carried out in different databases and open search engines; All existing articles from 2010 to date were examined; without leaving out the outstanding works that will provide specific and important information. Likewise, works published in magazines and some books by specialists on the subject were considered. The results of different investigations show that the health effects of various commonly used herbicides are various: in the short term, intoxications can occur, since herbicides are absorbed into the body directly or
indirectly; while long-term chronic damage can arise.


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Author Biographies

Xóchilt Aguilar González, Intercultural University of the State of Mexico

Bachelor of Intercultural Health

Ildefonso Ronquillo-Cedillo, Universidad Intercultural del Estado de México

Master of Science in Phytosanitary-Entomology and Acarology

Dulce María Ávila-Nájera, Intercultural University of the State of Mexico

Doctor of Science in Genetic Resources and Productivity-Livestock

Cesáreo Rodríguez-Hernández, Intercultural University of the State of Mexico

Doctor of Science in Entomology

Joel Pedraza-Mandujano, Intercultural University of the State of Mexico

Doctor of Science, Full Time Professor

Diana Laura Martínez-Jiménez

Master in Biotechnological Sciences



How to Cite

Aguilar González, X. ., Ronquillo-Cedillo, I. ., Ávila-Nájera, D. M. ., Rodríguez-Hernández, C. ., Pedraza-Mandujano, J. ., & Martínez-Jiménez, D. L. . (2022). Health risks from the use of herbicides. Producción Agropecuaria Y Desarrollo Sostenible, 10(1), 23–33.


