Handmade concentrate: an alternative for feeding birds (Gallus gallus domesticus) in dual purpose breeds


  • Felipe Santiago Salvador Bonilla Universidad de Oriente




Backyard poultry farming, food security, Madre cacao, Plymounth Rock Barrada, Rodhe Island Red.


The farming environment in rural communities on the Eastern part of El Salvador adopts a model based on the self-consumption production involving food and nutritional security for the nuclear family. In that dynamic, the Universidad de Oriente carried out a research project in the farming area and the environment that had as objective to evaluate a formula of artisan concentrate that improves the egg production in different hen varieties of double purpose.

A kind of food was prepared using corn flour, sorghum, molasses, minerals and vitamins implementing a pharmaceutical product (Nutravit) complementing it with the Madre cacao leave (Gliceridia sepium) in the form of flour in different portions. This food was provided to two hen’s varieties of dual purpose best known by Plymouth Rock Barrada and Rodhe Island Red in which were measured variable answers as the hen weight, posture, egg mass and weight and also its cost/benefit relation, during ten weeks using a random design. It was determined that the doses that contained 5% of processed flour with Madre cacao leaves have good ingestion acceptability on the hens Besides, it was observed an influence inasmuch as the egg mass reached a higher proportion and a good pigmentation while the statistics analysis determined for the rest of the variables different non-significant consequences.

Producción Agropecuaria y Desarrollo Sostenible, Vol. 6, 2017: 57-71



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Author Biography

Felipe Santiago Salvador Bonilla, Universidad de Oriente

Ingeniero Agrónomo, Investigador.



How to Cite

Salvador Bonilla, F. S. (2017). Handmade concentrate: an alternative for feeding birds (Gallus gallus domesticus) in dual purpose breeds. Producción Agropecuaria Y Desarrollo Sostenible, 6, 57–71. https://doi.org/10.5377/payds.v6i0.5719


