Performance and nutritional value of oatmeal associated with vitia in conditions High Andean Junin, Peru


  • Marcial Enciso Altamirano Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina, Lima-Perú
  • Carlos Gómez Bravo Universidad Agraria la Molina
  • Mariano Echevarría Rojas Universidad Agraria la Molina
  • César Osorio Zavala
  • Orlando Chipana Quispe Instituto Nacional de Innovación Agraria, Lima-Perú
  • Wilfredo Ruiz Camacho Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina



Cultivation, oat-vine, yield, nutritional content


In the present objective is to determine the yield in dry matter and the nutritional value of the association of oatsvicia, using different varieties and proportions in the sowing in high Andean conditions of the Junín region, Peru. Oats (Sativa Oat), Mantaro variety 15 and Centenary, associated with vicia (Vicia sativa), were sown in the sowing proportions: 80-20 and 70-30 Kg/ha in an experimental design of completely random blocks (DBCA); according to factorial 2 x 2. Result: the yield of the Centenary variety of 15.833a to Kg/ha of MS and Mantaro variety 15 of 12.765b Kg/ha of MS; and in percentage of protein of 6.5b and 7.9a, respectively. It was concluded in yield of dry matter (Kg/ha) and metabolizable energy (Mj/ha), the variety centennial-Vice was superior to Mantaro 15- Vice; and in content of percentage of protein, the variety Mantaro 15-Vice was better to the variety Centennial-Vice


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Author Biographies

Marcial Enciso Altamirano, Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina, Lima-Perú

PhD candidate. of the Doctoral Program in Nutrition

Carlos Gómez Bravo, Universidad Agraria la Molina

PhD Specialty in Animal Nutrition, Senior Professor

Mariano Echevarría Rojas, Universidad Agraria la Molina

PhD Specialty in Animal Nutrition, Senior Professor

César Osorio Zavala

Zootechnical Engineer

Orlando Chipana Quispe, Instituto Nacional de Innovación Agraria, Lima-Perú

Zootechnical Engineer

Wilfredo Ruiz Camacho, Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina

Agricultural Engineer, Magister of Science in Agricultural Production



How to Cite

Altamirano, M. E., Bravo, C. G., Rojas, M. E., Zavala, C. O., Quispe, O. C., & Camacho, W. R. (2019). Performance and nutritional value of oatmeal associated with vitia in conditions High Andean Junin, Peru. Producción Agropecuaria Y Desarrollo Sostenible, 8, 53–64.


