Economic models: their influence on the geography of Honduran development


  • Oscar Oswaldo Meza Palma Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras



economic models, regional development, neoliberal globalization, inequality, history of Honduras


This article delves into the problem of socioeconomic polarization of Honduran society, whose productive force and modernity has been concentrated in just a couple of urban and industrial development poles, at the expense of the majority of internal regions, where high levels of inequality and postponement are suffered. An explanation of its causes and consequences is proposed from a historical perspective that reviews a period from 1899 to date, which allows us to reflect on the implications of the political decisions and economic development models adopted by the ruling class in the future of time, to efficiently lead to equitable development. The study reveals the influence that this combination of aspects is inherent in the decision making of the highest level plays a decisive role in shaping our current map of asymmetries between country regions, which today weakens efforts towards an inclusive economic takeoff of our society. Information of valuable importance is sustained in development planning in the face of the enormous challenges of globalization in which we are immersed.


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Author Biography

Oscar Oswaldo Meza Palma, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras

Profesor Titular IV de la UNAH, en el Centro Regional Universitario de la Región Central. Ingeniero Agrónomo con estudios de Maestría en Tecnología de Riego y en Proyectos de Desarrollo. Actualmente cursando un programa doctoral en la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, UPM, España



How to Cite

Meza Palma, O. O. (2020). Economic models: their influence on the geography of Honduran development. Población Y Desarrollo - Argonautas Y Caminantes, 16, 35–48.


