Honduras: a difficult country for aging
aging population, elderly population, aging index, ederly in Honduras, living conditions of the older populationAbstract
The product of population aging of the demography transition is a phenomenon with a lot of interest to humanity for some reasons. The changes in the population structure make deep changes in the different aspects of community life, and for all of that the importance to considerate that theme in different dimensions. The process of the population aging is taking place in a constant way in different parts of the world, with deep implications for society; perhaps, this theme has to been taken as a priority in the social development agenda and public politics of each country. Everyday progress in its own social demography characteristics within this aging heterogeneity, Honduras is not the exception, we need to know widely this populations changes in the country and step forward with the most knowledge’s the challenges that becomes with this demography process.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5377/pdac.v9i0.1305
Revista Población y Desarrollo: Argonautas y Caminantes Vol.9 2013: 45-54