Social Sciences and the need to acquire new knowledge to generate and visualize scientific information associated with the presence of Coronavirus (COVID-19) in Honduras




data science, data scientist, COVID-19, empiricism, statistics, positivism, data visualization


Each activity that is carried out in daily life, requires in most cases, a reflection of the possible consequences that will have to be faced. Of course, when comparing these results with the phenomena that is observed on a day-to-day basis, it will be necessary to have a large amount of data to help us generate information, which will ultimately serve to make the best decisions. Making these interpretations requires being in permanent contact with world events: economic, social, and cultural. In addition, it will be necessary to know about the different technological elements (for example, software and hardware) that are freely available to the majority of our population; It is of vital importance that the National Autonomous University of Honduras assumes the leadership in terms of the management of statistics and all those technological elements that allow the visualization of data, especially at this time when the country, after the pandemic, needs to return to the path of development.


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Author Biography

Gustavo Adolfo Torres Bonilla, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras

Máster en Formulación, Gestión y Evaluación de Proyectos. Licenciado en Ciencias Económicas. Docente-Investigador, Carrera de Desarrollo Local, Departamento de Sociología, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras.



How to Cite

Torres Bonilla, G. A. (2022). Social Sciences and the need to acquire new knowledge to generate and visualize scientific information associated with the presence of Coronavirus (COVID-19) in Honduras. Población Y Desarrollo - Argonautas Y Caminantes, 18(1), 142–153.


