Hospital mortality and years of potential life lost in the San Felipe Hospital, 2014


  • María Guadalupe Romero-A
  • Ingrid Carolina Garay-R



basic cause of death, premature death, disability-adjusted life year


Honduras is a middle-income country that is in the process of epidemiological transition and one of the ways to verify this is through the hospital mortality data whose data are based on the registration of causes of death on death certificates. One of the methods of measurement of hospital mortality by years of potential life lost from 1978 proposed as an indicator of health status of a population, quantifies premature deaths, and can be used to determine the priorities in public health. It is a retrospective cross-sectional study conducted at the San Felipe Hospital in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, na­tional reference center and national cancer center in the country, whose data show that from the underlying cause of death, the female is the quantifying the greatest number of years of potential life lost caused by tumors, sepsis, perinatal disorders and diseases of thecirculatory system. In the case of men, the quantification of the disability-adjusted life year are related to non-insulin dependent diabetes, diseases of the respiratory system and digestive system.

Revista Población y Desarrollo: Argonautas y Caminantes, Vol. 11, 2015: 39-47


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Author Biographies

María Guadalupe Romero-A

Médico y Cirujano. Máster en Salud Pública, Máster en Administración de Servicios de Salud

Ingrid Carolina Garay-R

Ingeniera en Ciencias Ambientales. Máster en Ciencias, Tecnología y Gestión del Agua



How to Cite

Romero-A, M. G., & Garay-R, I. C. (2015). Hospital mortality and years of potential life lost in the San Felipe Hospital, 2014. Población Y Desarrollo - Argonautas Y Caminantes, 11, 39–47.


