Population Estimates and Index Primacy of the major cities of Honduras, 2001-2015
Estimates, Primacy index, Urbanization, CityAbstract
Estimates of population and primacy index of the major cities of Honduras, 2001 – 2015 period, presented in this research it first constitute an effort in this theme in an answer to big information emptiness about the future population in the major cities and at the same time serve as bases to estimate the primacy index in the cities through the indicate period. This research, hands in official data and 1988 and 2001 adjustment census, and its consistence is related to the population in Honduras (departmental and municipal) 2001-2015, made for the Instituto Nacional de Estadisticas (INE from Honduras). In the research, in addition to presenting the methodology used, meet other objectives like analysis the primacy index from the country to study variations in the importance of the city with most population in relation with that followed in number of inhabitants, so research verify that “The greater urbanization in a country lower level of primacy in the principal city”, and present the results of conclusions.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5377/pdac.v8i0.922
Revista Población y Desarrollo: Argonautas y Caminantes, Vol. 8, 2012 pp.95-103