About the Journal

Focus and Scope

The Journal of Science and Technology is a biannual publication of the Institute of Applied and Technological Sciences at UNAH, aimed at national and international professors, researchers, and Students. The journal's content includes scientific articles and review articles in the following areas of knowledge: a)Applied Sciences and b) Technologies.

The journal serves as a platform for disseminating scientific and technological knowledge, providing an open window for exchanging ideas and advancements in the academic and scientific community. Each issue presents a rigorous selection of scientific articles covering diverse disciplines, ranging from various engineering fields to computer science, robotics, artificial intelligence, and biotechnology.

With a highly qualified editorial committee and peer-review processes, the journal ensures scientific excellence and the quality of published content. It invites researchers, academics, and professionals to contribute and share their findings to advance knowledge and foster international collaboration in applied sciences and technologies. The Journal of Science and Technology catalyzes scientific progress, benefiting society.

Open access policies

The Journal of Science and Technology promotes open access to scientific research, recognizing that disseminating knowledge and advancements within the scientific community is paramount. Based on this, the journal adopts an open access policy under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license (CC BY 4.0) with a non-commercial restriction (NC):

  1. Free Access: The journal guarantees that all published articles will be freely available to any interested reader without economic barriers or required subscriptions.

  2. Creative Commons License: All articles in the journal will be published under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license (CC BY 4.0) with a non-commercial restriction (NC). Readers have the right to read, download, copy, distribute, print, and use the articles for non-commercial purposes as long as proper attribution is given to the authorship and a link to the source is provided.

  3. Author Rights: Authors will retain the copyright to their research and grant the journal the right to publish their work under the CC BY 4.0 NC license. This gives authors visibility and recognition for their academic careers while enabling other researchers to use and build upon their contributions for non-commercial purposes.

By adopting this open-access policy, the Journal of Applied and Technological Sciences is committed to fostering the global dissemination of scientific research and promoting collaboration and advancement in applied sciences and technologies. We believe in the benefits of open and non-commercial access, empowering researchers and contributing to the sustainable development of knowledge to benefit society.

Privacy declaration

In the Journal of Science and Technology, submitting an article or essay indicates that the author certifies and accepts that the manuscript has not been published nor accepted for publication in another journal. Articles with a high level of plagiarism will not be accepted. The content of the papers or essays is the authors' sole responsibility.

Privacy declaration

The names and email addresses entered in this journal will be used exclusively for the purposes established within it. They will not be provided to third parties or used for other purposes.

Publication Frequency

La revista se divulgará bianualmente en la página web: https://iicat.unah.edu.hn/lineas-de-investigacion/rct/ específicamente en la sección de investigación científica, sub sección de publicación, comunicación y difusión. La revista se encuentra en indexada en la base de datos de Central American Journals Online ( https://www.lamjol.info/).



Institute of Applied and Technological Sciences, Faculty of Engineering, National Autonomous University of Honduras (UNAH)
