Editorial Team

Editorial Committee

Fernando Zorto, Editor-in-Chief, Editorial Committee, Institute of Applied and Technological Sciences, fernando.zorto@unah.edu.hn

Ostilio Portillo, Editorial Committee Member, Faculty of Engineering, oportillo@unah.edu.hn

Dennis Rivera, Editorial Committee Member, Department of Electrical Engineering, drivera@unah.edu.hn

Miguel Padilla, Editorial Committee Member, Department of Chemical Engineering, miguel.padilla@unah.edu.hn

Cesar Ortega, Editorial Committee Member, Supply Chain and Operations Research Group, Department of Mechanical Engineering, cortega@unah.edu.hn

Marco Ramos, Editorial Committee Member, Department of Electrical Engineering, marco.ramos@unah.edu.hn

Luis Castillo, Editorial Committee Member, University of São Paulo, Department of Hydraulic Engineering and Sanitation, São Carlos School of Engineering, luis.castillo@usp.br

Raúl Palma, Editorial Committee Member, Department of Systems Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, UNAH. raul.palma@unah.edu.hn