The expansion of shrimp farming in the Gulf of Fonseca, Central America, 1985-2011


  • Rafael Enrique Corrales Andino Profesor universitario Departamento de Ciencia y Tecnologías de la Información Geográfica (DCTIG-FACES), UNAH
  • Manuel Pérez Gómez Laboratorio do Territorio (LaboraTe), Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
  • Eduardo Corbelle Rico Laboratorio do Territorio (LaboraTe), Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
  • Miguel Cordero Souto Laboratorio do Territorio (LaboraTe), Universidade de Santiago de Compostela



mangrove, shrimp farming, gulf of Fonseca


In recent decades, shrimp farming facilities have become one of the most important economic activities on the south coast of Honduras. By the nature of this activity and its location in the Gulf of Fonseca, the area was declared a Ramsar site since 1999, also as a categorie of Protected Areas by the SINAPH, there is concern about its influence on the decline and degradation of mangrove ecosystem, which posses a high ecological value. The main objective of this work is to track the area occupied by shrimp farming and mangrove ecosystem in the Gulf of Fonseca, between the years 1985 and 2011, and attention to possible water transfers (direct or indirect), that would have occurred between these two types of ground coverings throughout the studied period. Satellite images (Landsat 5) of the period between 1985 and 2011 were used. The results of the analysis indicated that the advance of shrimp farming (2,140 ha in 1985 to 41,434 ha in 2011) occurred at the same time as a significant decrease in mangrove area and other coastal wetlands (107,167 ha to 78,509 ha in the same period). Changes or transitions occurring between coverings suggest that shrimp farming occupied about 14% of the surface of the existing mangrove at beginning of the period. This expansion accounted for just 39% of the total area occupied by this activity between 1985 and 2011, since this would preferably held other types of prior natural coverings.

Revista Ciencia y Tecnologia No. 16, Junio 2015: 50-62


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How to Cite

Corrales Andino, R. E., Pérez Gómez, M., Corbelle Rico, E. and Cordero Souto, M. (2015) “The expansion of shrimp farming in the Gulf of Fonseca, Central America, 1985-2011”, Jornual of Science and Technology, (16), pp. 50–62. doi: 10.5377/rct.v0i16.2179.



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