Sexual Variation. Between the benign and the pathological
Sexual diversity, LGBTIQA, Normalising medical discourse, Gender identity, Trans, SexualityAbstract
In a world where diversity is becoming the norm, there are still rigid and limiting spaces about the possibility of variation, especially in normative aspects such as sexuality and gender. Queer theory proposes the need to break with the pathologisation of sexual variation, considering that it should be perceived as something benign in this flexible society in constant flux. Thus, this article seeks to approach the notion of sexual variation, considering a refl ection from medical, psychological and gender studies discourses, arguing the relevance of adopting an expanded vision of sexual variation as a characteristic that shows the versatility, evolution and constant change of human beings.
Realidad: Revista de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades No. 159, 2022: 5-18.
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