Leardership and organizational climate in the health teachers
style, leadership, transformational, transactional, organizational climate.Abstract
Leadership and the organizational climate are two important aspects to consider for the sustainable growth of any organization. In this sense, the objective of this study is to establish the relationship between leadership styles and the existing organizational climate in an educational institution. A descriptive correlation design was carried out on a population of 50 teachers in the health area; a quantitative analysis was applied, using the SPSS statistical program; the data was obtained through the survey. Leadership styles and organizational climate were categorized according to age range, sex, marital status, and working condition of the teachers, determining the relationship between both variables. From the analysis, the following was determined: leadership style does not influence the organizational climate; leadership styles and organizational levels are independent of age range; gender is independent of leadership style; employment status does not influence the organizational climate. Finally, marital status influences leadership styles and organizational climate; gender influences organizational levels, and leadership styles depend on the work condition.
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