How is narco-state social terror built in Mexico? (2010-2014)




Social terror, war, violence, psychosocial impacts, social fight, peace, justice


This article shows the results of an analysis of cases of seven social events of violence in Mexico, from which we reflect on the main constituent elements of social terror. Thus, it reflects on the objectives of terror and the means to build it. Regarding the means, a difference is made between the means or forms to produce it and the forms to re-produce it; similarly, its conception is deepened to understand how terror occurs from a psychosociogenetic perspective. It also delves into a synthesis of the main psychosocial impacts on the population and some ways to combat the impacts and prevent the construction of terror in different spheres and at different levels: individual, community and social.


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Author Biography

Aarón Andrade Valdivia, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

egresado de la Licenciatura en Filosofía, en la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM). Con experiencia en investigación, educación y cultura de paz, con la Colectiva de Cultura de Paz y Noviolencia; y en educación popular y trabajo comunitario con Nuestra Raíz Tonelhuayotzin A.C.. Con el Colectivo Nos Hacen Falta, ha brindado acompañamiento a personas cuyas familias han padecido alguna desaparición, un feminicidio u homicidio, en la exigencia de memoria, verdad y justicia.



How to Cite

Andrade Valdivia, A. (2020). How is narco-state social terror built in Mexico? (2010-2014). Latin American Journal of Peace and Conflict Studies, 2(3), 114–130.



Artículos de investigación